Title: Who she become Fandom: Cowboy Bebop Pairing: Faye (implied Faye/Julia) Word Count: 168 Rating: G Warning: - Challenge/Prompt: femslash100, challenge 516: treasure
A little summary of the three-sentence-ficathon. Mainly a collection for me, so I can remember these amazing fills <3 Whereelse would I get Loki/Sansa? *-*
Title: How come Fandom: Cowboy Bebop Pairing: Faye/Julia Word Count: 145 Rating: G Warning: - Challenge/Prompt: femslash100, challenge 480/474: remainder/reunite Challenge/Prompt: 100_women - air
Great, another table ... but with this one I don't have to limit myself on just one fandom, I can do whatever I want, mwuahaha! As long as it contains women; should not be too difficult :D